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Smith Family

Relaxed family sessions, loving on your loved ones. 💜

Alex and Ross get married in just under a months time at @brickhousevineyard, and wanted to book a family session ahead of their wedding not only to get used to being photographed but to create some memories whilst their little ones are young. This is such a milestone for them, because between getting engaged and married, these two little souls have come into their lives. What better way to celebrate this time than to document it? 💜

Like any family, it’s rare they’re in the photographs they take, rarer still to get a photograph together, but we made sure to make that happen in the most chilled way. We just explored the sand dunes, collected pebbles and shells, and enjoyed each other’s company. I never go into these sessions with much of a plan, I just roll with whatever happens and document it. One of my favourite stills here is of their daughter looking up at the moon, who had ‘followed them’ on the two hour journey to their session. I always love the way that kids see the world, and their participation in these sessions is what makes them so special. They’ll remember a time when she was young enough to think the moon followed her everywhere. 🌙

Thank you Alex, Ross and your little ones for coming to meet me. It was so lovely to see you before your wedding day. 🥰

Aww we are so over the moon with the gallery you’ve sent🥰It’s crazy, you got some amazing pics when we had no idea really - we just felt like you’d have the odd couple of photos that were lovely and then others might be a bit hit and miss haha but you’ve got so so many lovely ones we’re finding it so hard to pick out the best🙈 You’re very very talented! Thanks Grace, we’re so excited now for the wedding pictures we just know they’re going to be lush😻 xxxx
Smith Family